601 Main St
Stockton, Kansas
The Christian Church in Stockton, a strong supporter of Cedar Bluff Christian Church Camp and Manhattan Christian College, played an important role in the lives of our family.
William H. Vallette, great-grandfather of Anita Fisher Miller, was a minister there from 1896 to 1898. One of the 3 stained-glass windows, the one to the left of the entry door, was placed in his memory by his children: Edward F. Vallette, Joseph P. Vallette and Iona Vallette Hederhorst.
July 24, 1910 was Dedication Day for the new building. At that time, Edward F. Vallette, grandfather of Anita Fisher Miller, was a deacon, trustee, and secretary of the building committee. He and his wife mortgaged their home to help build the church.
About 1911 Minnie Elizabeth (Libbie) Sloan Ives obeyed the gospel and united with the Christian Church at Stockton. For a number of years she was superintendent of the Junior department of the Bible school, and had a record of seven years perfect attendance. She shaped the lives of many of the children who attended there.
On August 19, 1947, four Stockton young men were ordained in Main Street Christian Church including A.J Ives, Donald Albright, Darold Zwink and Edward Bridwell. Elders who participated in the layong on of hands; L.W. Wells, G.F. Turnbull, E.E. Fisher (grandfather of A.J Ives), P.F. Hedorhorst, R.C. Harding, minister. About 300 people witnessed the ordination.
William H. Vallette, great-grandfather of Anita Fisher Miller, was a minister there from 1896 to 1898. One of the 3 stained-glass windows, the one to the left of the entry door, was placed in his memory by his children: Edward F. Vallette, Joseph P. Vallette and Iona Vallette Hederhorst.
July 24, 1910 was Dedication Day for the new building. At that time, Edward F. Vallette, grandfather of Anita Fisher Miller, was a deacon, trustee, and secretary of the building committee. He and his wife mortgaged their home to help build the church.
About 1911 Minnie Elizabeth (Libbie) Sloan Ives obeyed the gospel and united with the Christian Church at Stockton. For a number of years she was superintendent of the Junior department of the Bible school, and had a record of seven years perfect attendance. She shaped the lives of many of the children who attended there.
On August 19, 1947, four Stockton young men were ordained in Main Street Christian Church including A.J Ives, Donald Albright, Darold Zwink and Edward Bridwell. Elders who participated in the layong on of hands; L.W. Wells, G.F. Turnbull, E.E. Fisher (grandfather of A.J Ives), P.F. Hedorhorst, R.C. Harding, minister. About 300 people witnessed the ordination.

Family members who were ordained into the ministry:
- A.J Ives
- Darold Zwink
- Bob Zwink
Family members who were married at Main Street Christian Church:
- Max Ives & LeVonne Pauley
- Dean Ives & Earlyne Buss
- Ruth Ives & Raleigh Fenton
- Joyce Ives & Donald Keeten
- Dixie Ives & Ronald Molzahn
- Marcie Arends & Billy Joe Smith (aka Indian Joe)
- Sandy Arends & Randy Welch
- Maxine Vallette & Horace Huff
- Kathy Fenton & James Glover
- Willard Keeten & Lula Fisher
- Phyllis Hrabe & William F. Hart, 21 Jun 1953
NOTE: Duane Connell & Marie Munn were married in Oxford, Kansas where Duane's brother Bob Zwink was the minister. A.J Ives was the soloist.
Clarence Kenworthy and Flo Ives celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the church.
Elmer Fisher and Altha Loop celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at the church 16 Aug 1949.
Family members whose funeral services were at the Main Street Christian Church:
- Ashley J. Ives
- Minnie Elizabeth (Libbie) Sloan Ives
- Elmer E. Fisher
- Altha Loop Fisher
- Harold Ives
- Hilma Fisher Ives
- Ruby Fisher McCauley
- Warren McCauley
- Edna Adams Vallette
- Edward Franklin Vallette
- Earlyne Buss Ives
Family members who were baptized at Main Street Christian Church:
- Edward Vallette - 1900
- Edna Adams Vallette - 1906
- Minnie Elizabeth (Libbie) Sloan Ives - 1911
- Marion Stanley Fisher
- Esther Margaret Vallette
- A.J Ives
- Elaine Ives Yoxall
- Max Ives
- Norma Ives Moore
- Dean Ives
- Ruth Ives Fenton
- Joyce Ives Keeten
- Dixie Ives Rose
- Bob Zwink
- Darold Zwink
- Duane Connell
- Marcie Arends Blasko
- Sandy Arends Hubbard
- Pamela Jean Moore Geistlinger
- Sue Ann Moore Rice
- Kathy Fenton Glover
- Kristie Fenton Johnston
- Jeff Keeten
- Greg Keeten
- Tessie Ives
- Tressa Cooper Ives
- Lee Robinson - choir director
- Geneva Fisher Robinson - piano & organ
- Lee & Geneva Robinson - sang duets
- A.J Ives - mixed quartet, song leader, soloist
- Norma Ives Moore - piano & organ
- Ruth Ives Fenton - piano & organ
- Joyce Ives Keeten - piano & organ
- Sandy Arends Hubbard- piano & organ
- Joy Hrabe - organ
- Ken McCauley - choir director
- J.P. Vallette -pianist
- Edward Franklin Vallette -choir director. NOTE: There is a piano in the basement with a plaque on it with his name as the the choir director and Ruth Pauley the pianist.
- Norma Ives Moore sang with a trio including Don Stewart's youngest daughter
- Marcie Arends - soloist accompanied by her sister Sandy
- Marcie and Sandy Arends - duet
- Everyone sang in the choir!
Family members who served as elders or deacons:
- Elmer Fisher
- Ed Vallette, emeritus
- Kenneth McCauley
- Harold Ives
- Max Ives
- Albert Yoxall
- Lee Robinson, emeritus
- Duane Connell
- Harold Ives
- Max Ives
- Lee Robinson - chairman of the board
- Wilber Robinson
- Lester Maddy
- Asa Ives
- Kenneth McCauley
- Ashley J. Ives - parsonage-building committee
- A.J Ives - guest speaker
- Lee Robinson - lay preacher, teacher of adult Sunday School class
- Hilma Fisher Ives - president of Drocas (the ladies' group,) nominating committee, Supt. of Sunday School
- Harold Ives - committee to bring membership books up to date
- Edward F. Vallette - deacon, trustee, and secretary of the building committee.
- Minnie Elizabeth (Libbie) Sloan Ives -superintendent of the Junior department of the Bible school
- Warren McCauley - nominating committee
- Kenneth McCauley - worship committee chmn
- Kathy Fenton Glover - church office secretary
- Kenneth McCauley, Geneva Fisher Robinson and Ruth Ives Fenton - committee to purchase a new organ
- Norma Ives Moore - taught a Sunday school class and nursery; was head of the youth group
- Minnie Elizabeth (Libbie) Sloan Ives - seven years perfect attendance Sunday School
- Lee and Wilber Robinson perfect board attendance from October '69 through June '70.
- RubyFisher McCauley had several years of perfect attendance in Sunday School. Does anyone have any idea how many years? She was very upset when she was sick and had to miss.
- Marcie Arends Blasko
Family contributions:
- Hilma Fisher Ives and Ruby Fisher McCauley - elevator fund
- Edward F. Vallette, Joseph P. Vallette and Iona Vallette Hederhorst contributed the stained-glass window to the left of the entry door, in honor of their father, William H. Vallette, minister at Main Street Christian Church from 1896 to 1898.
November 4, 1915 Ashley J. Ives was appointed to the parsonage-building committee.
January 24, 1924 Hilma Fisher Ives asked to be relieved as Supt. of Sunday School.
September 4, 1944 Harold Ives is appointed to a committee to bring membership books up to date.
March 14, 1946 Lee Robinson is elected choir director.
November 11, 1947, Asa Ives is recommended for janitor.
May 7, 1951, motion made by Bro. Hederhorst that Mr. Ed Vallette be put on the emeritus list.
November 1, 1954 Kenneth McCauley is recommended to fill Bro. E.E. Fisher's term as elder (after Elmer Fisher's death 30 Mar 1955.)
December 21, 1955 Joy Hrabe is listed a church organist. Evening organist is Geneva Robinson. Choir director is Ken McCauley.
June 6, 1956 Max Ives seconds a motion to order 1 gross of the scripture pencils.
April 18, 1960 church board passed a motion that Lee Robinson would fill the pulpit on June 26.
September 5, 1960 Lee Robinson and Albert Yoxall were Elders.
1956 - 1965 Max Ives is on the board of directors.
October 2, 1961 Hilma Ives is on the nominating committee along with Warren McCauley and others.
May 7, 1962 motion made by Max Ives to purchase a fence and TV antenna for the parsonage.
April 29, 1962 Lee Robinson is chairman of the board.
1963 Kenneth McCauley is janitor.
April 1, 1963 Lester Maddy and Max Ives give a $5 raise to Rev. Clifford Hauxwell.
April 21, 1974 Kenneth McCauley, Worship Committee Chmn, had a meeting with the elders to get youth groups better organized.
April 5, 1976 motion made by Harold Ives to pay one-half of enrollment fee at church camp on regular church attendance.
July 10, 1978 - July 2, 1979 Kathy Fenton was Church office secretary.
June 1979 Kenneth McCauley was an elder and Lee Robinson was Elder Emeritus.
December 7, 1964 the church discussed installing an elevator but it wasn't until March 7, 1983 the church voted to purchase an elevator. Key contributors to the elevator fund, at the urging of Dean Ives, were Hilma Fisher Ives and Ruby Fisher McCauley.
April 8, 1966 A.J Ives is speaker and music leader. Paid $180.
July 27, 1969 Clarence Kenworthy and Flo Ives celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary at the church.
October 6, 1969 Lee and Wilber Robinson had perfect board attendance from October '69 through June '70.
February 1, 1971 Kenneth McCauley, Geneva Robinson and Ruth Fenton and others are on the committe to purchase a new organ.
May 1, 1972 Lee Robinson made a motion to have recognition of visitors at the close of the service.
July 23, 2000 Kenneth McCauley and Duane Connell are elders.

Hi, my name is Veronica (Welch) Murray. I am Sandra (Arends) HUbbard's oldest daughter. I just wanted to say hello and thanks for creating this. I am excited to see all of this online and I hope you will head over to our blog about our daughter, Madeline at MADDIEMOOMOMENTS.blogspot.com
Thanks again, Veronica
Enjoyed the photo because my Dad is in it (standing behind P. F. Hederhorst). The caption indicates him as Bob Zwink but in truth he is Edward E. Bridwell. He is the last living member of this foursome and is planning on celebrating the 65th anniversary of his ordination next month.
Steve Bridwell
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